A new year bring more exciting work at the Early Learning Center!
While it is cold outside, contractors are busy inside working on interior renovations at the early learning center. Below showcases the new secure entrance, reception space, and admin area. This space will feature offices, an observation room, a private restroom, conference rooms, and a staff lounge.
New secure entrance and offices

This phase of the project will feature classrooms, a sensory room, a large gross motor room, and media center. The classrooms will have a separate area for cubbies, an in-room restroom, and a shared storage area for teachers. The gross motor room will serve as a multi-purpose space for play and movement. The rooms have expansive ceiling and plenty of windows for observation.
Classroom and Learning Spaces

FUN FACT: Because the classrooms are in interior spaces with no windows, we are installing lights that mimic windows. These lights change colors with the time of day and season. This helps give the feel of natural lighting in the classroom.

Cabinetry will be going in soon! Follow the blog for more updates!