It was a beautiful, sunny morning for a site tour at the new middle school. There has been a LOT of progress in the past month.
Standing in the media center, this space (below) will feature break-out spaces, an office, and work rooms.

Looking down the hallway into the science wing, the roof joists have been installed.

Down this hallway, will be classrooms. Starting this week, the construction team will be pouring concrete for the first floor deck.

Pictured below is the auxiliary gym. The masons are working the wall up to the roof deck so that the roof trusses can start being set within the next few weeks.

This space will be locker rooms, team rooms, PE classroom, and offices.

These photos are standing in the two gymnasiums. Above, you can see the track, which will expand around both gyms. There will be bleachers on both sides to host a variety of events.

This area (below) is on the main level, adjacent to the gymnasium. Underground plumbing and electrical has been roughed in and next week walls will start going up. This space will feature classrooms for STEM, band, orchestra, choice, and theatre, and others.